Benefits of Home Fire Sprinklers

When it comes to fire protection, fire sprinklers are the best choice to save lives and protect property. Although they save thousands of properties in the country each year, fire sprinklers are less common in residential buildings than commercial ones. It’s the mission of Safe-T Fire Protection to change that. 

Did you know smoke detectors increase your odds of surviving a fire by 50% while fire sprinklers increase your survival chances by 97%? And not only could they save your and your family’s lives, but fire sprinklers also halt the spread of fire, preventing property destruction and the loss of your valuables. 

Three Benefits of Home Fire Sprinklers

You’ll Experience Less Loss in a Fire

Without the aid of fire sprinklers, a home fire could burn for 5-15 minutes before firefighters arrive on the scene. Alongside the fire damage, your home must also encounter the pressure of the fire hose that extinguishes the flames. This will cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage and may result in the complete loss of your home and possessions. On the other hand, fire sprinklers will trigger immediately in the event of a fire, containing the spread and keeping the damage in a very small area. 

It Will Give You Peace of Mind for Your Family

The threat of a home fire may keep you up at night, especially if you have young children or older adults that would have difficulty escaping the home in an emergency. But with home fire sprinklers, you can have peace of mind that your family will be protected in the event of a fire. 

It Will Improve Your Insurance Premiums

Homeowners get an average discount of 10% off insurance premiums when installing a home sprinkler system. You may even see a higher discount rate if you combine your fire sprinkler system with smoke detectors, home system monitoring, and fire extinguishers. Home fire sprinklers are a great initial investment that saves lives and money in insurance premiums over time. 

fire protection company

Myths That May Be Keeping You from Home Fire Sprinkler Installation

Myth #1

Fire sprinklers react to smoke and could go off when I’m cooking. 

This is incorrect. Fire sprinklers do not respond to smoke; they react to heat. A fire sprinkler system will activate if it encounters temperatures of 155 degrees Fahrenheit or more. 

Myth #2

If one fire sprinkler goes off, they all will. 

This is also incorrect. Yes, all the fire sprinklers go off at once in movies and television. However, in reality, one or two fire sprinklers activate and extinguish the fire in 90% of fire emergencies. 

Myth #3

The sprinklers will leak. 

The fire sprinklers in your home won’t leak because they are pressure-tested, so they operate in conjunction with your plumbing. Because they aren’t in daily use, they also don’t see wear and tear, meaning they won’t leak like faucets may. 

Let’s Talk About Home Fire Safety

We know protecting the people you love most in the event of a fire is your biggest priority. Home fire sprinklers can help you keep your family safe by quickly containing fires and preventing their spread. This could be the difference in saving your family and your home from disaster. 

At Safe-T Fire Protection, our greatest passion is saving lives through quality fire protection services. That’s why we install, repair, inspect, and maintain fire safety systems like fire sprinklers for homes. We would love to partner with you and make the best plan for home fire safety, ensuring you have peace of mind that you and your family will be protected. Contact us to learn more or book an appointment to discuss your home’s fire sprinkler compatibility.

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