How to Prevent Apartment Fires 

Fires can be a dangerous risk for all types of buildings, but especially for apartments. These buildings house many families, which creates a risk for severe injuries and fatalities. Most people are not familiar with their apartment building plans, which can cause chaos in the event of an emergency. This is especially true for cases where property managers are negligent about maintenance and fire system installation, which leads emergency situations to become unavoidable. 

However, if you’re prepared and have an escape plan established, it will be much easier to stay calm in this type of situation. You can also familiarize yourself with the common causes of fire, and how to excel in fire prevention. Fire safety education is very important and could mean the difference between life and death. If you know how to act in an emergency, you can lead others to safety and minimize the risk of damage. 

Our team at Safe-T Fire Protection has years of experience training in fire system installation, maintenance, and repair. We are passionate about educating others on the importance of fire safety and prevention. If your commercial location or apartment needs fire equipment installation, we’re the team to call! We install fire extinguishers, sprinkler systems, fire alarms, emergency lighting, and smoke detectors.

What Causes Apartment Fires? 

  • Unattended Cooking: According to the National Fire Protection Association, this is the number one cause of apartment fires. Stoves and ovens are left on, fryers are used unattended, and flammable items are left near cooktops. You should never leave burners, fryers, or the oven unattended.
  • Candles: Unattended candles are another large cause of fires. Candles may explode after being lit for an extended period of time and could cause anything near it to catch on fire. 
  • Smoking: Smoking should never be allowed inside apartment buildings. If you smoke, go outside before lighting. 
  • Light Bulbs: Light bulbs can cause fires if they’re used past their lifetime and if the wattage is higher than recommended. 
  • Dryer: Dryers can cause fires if lint builds up and is not cleaned from the inside. 
  • Electrical Equipment: Any type of electrical equipment can pose a fire hazard if not used correctly.
  • Christmas Lights: Ensure that Christmas lights are meant for indoor use and are not wrapped around any flammable materials. 
  • Electrical Cords: Electrical cords should always have safety coverings and be used correctly. 
  • Hair Dryers: Hair dryers and other heat equipment should never be left on and unattended.

Always Have an Escape Plan

The key to being prepared for an emergency is the creation of an escape plan. Memorize the exit route from your apartment ahead of time. Conduct your own fire drills and ensure your neighbors have an escape plan as well. If you have kids or pets, factor them into your preparation and ensure you’ve thought every possibility through.

prevent apartment fires

Ensure the Proper Equipment Is In Place

Living in an apartment building can be difficult in that you aren’t responsible for ensuring fire safety equipment is up to code. However, if your property manager is negligent in this area, check your fire equipment and request that routine maintenance be conducted. In every state, there are certain regulations that must be followed in apartment complexes. Some equipment may include: 

  • Smoke detectors
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Sprinkler systems
  • Fire alarms
  • Fire hydrants outside the building 

This equipment must be tested to ensure that it stays in working condition and is ready for any type of emergency. Research fire codes and speak up if you notice anything abnormal. Teach your kids and neighbors about how to prevent fires in their apartments. While this may seem like overkill now, it may just save your life. After all, fires can pop up unexpectedly at any moment, and once they gain control, are swift in spreading damage and destruction.

fire protection company

Need Fire Safety Services?

Safe-T Fire Protection offers fire safety services designed to keep your apartment building safe. If you need fire equipment installed or serviced, we’re the team to call! With meticulous attention to detail and a focus on excellent customer service, we aim to be the best fire service provider near you. Contact us today to learn more!

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